One link to manage all your links!

     Social Media Module 


    If you count on different branches, whatsapp numbers, social media and you want to communicate everything in the same link to share with your customers, we have the solution.

    With SmartLinks you can:

    • Create clickable buttons whenever you need them.
    • Order them by sections.
    • Take your followers to the content that generates conversion.
    • Add your logo, design your own background and adapt the visual aspect of your SmartLink to your brand.
    • Measure how links work, compare the CTR of your buttons and images and optimize the strategy.


    #PilotTip: thanks to SmartLinks you can add URL in all you post, TikTok videos or Instagram images and online traffic to a link of your choice.

    For example: if you make discounts or sales about determined vehicle you can create a SmartLink designed for that, adding images, videos, managing a form list, etc.


    The Smartlinks tool is part of the SSR module as well as Inbox, Adds, Analytics and Planning.


    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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