Create as many types as possible of businesses for your company!

    Now, you can create different types of business such as 0km, Used, saving plans, prospection and choose the behavior that you wish.

    This new functionality brings the possibility to have as many types as possible of business for your company. You can prospect, sell, create business rules, and so many more things!

    When assigning the behavior to a type of business, you will need to consider the path that it will have during its management in Pilot.

    You will count on two different circuits:

    New Vehicles, Used Vehicles y Saving Plans

    They will go through different phases, as you can prospect, quote and sell with them.

    As you generate a new type of business, new electronic budgets need to be created and you need to order a creation of a new plugin detailing company and type of business via a ticket to support service from your Pilot profile.

    In this way, you can easily divide all products for a better organization of your stock and provide a more precise report.


    Only Prospection

    Unlike the previous businesses, whichever type of business that has this behavior can only prospect the lead that get in and close them as “won or lost”, that is to say, it will not be available during the quotation and sale’s phase.

    This can be used for instance for insurance sales, accessories, post-sale prospection, etc.


    Would you like to know more about this functionality? You can log in to Pilot and from your profile access a FAQ, there you will find all the necessary information to get to manage it.


    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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