We have news in our solution: HUB – Customer Service Center

    In the automotive industry effectively managing and converting leads is crucial to success. Our Customer Service Center solution makes this tasks easier by ensuring leads are handled efficiently and effectively.

    Do this pain points resonate with you?

    Difficulty funneling leads: many companies struggle to direct leads to the appropriate departments or sales people often due to using multiple or no systems at all.
    Lack of follow-up: Without a proper system, it is difficult to effectively track leads, which can result in missed opportunities.
    Lack of digital culture: Some dealers have not yet fully adopted digital tools, which may limit their effectiveness.

    Discover our Centralised Support Solution and resolve these issues:
    This tool is designed to solve common problems for both manufacturers and dealers.
    It allows any external system to Pilot to report in real-time on the status of leads sent (whether they were won, lost, or bad leads), providing a clear and precise view of each business opportunity.


    Some benefits your company will gain include:

    • Optimizing decision-making: With real-time information, you can quickly and efficiently adjust your sales and marketing strategies.
    • Improving lead quality: By effectively identifying and managing bad leads, you can focus more on leads with greater potential.


    Would you like to learn more about this functionality? Leave your details in the comments, and we will schedule a demo with one of our specialists, or send an email to ventas@pilotsolution.net.

    You can also log in to Pilot, and from your profile, you can access the FAQ, where you will find the necessary information to manage it.


    Let us know in the comments what you think of our solution!
    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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