Pilot One, the first personal CRM in the mobility industry!

    Are you limited by the CRM required in your job? ¿Does it lack the necessary functions for your daily tasks and seem complex? Now, you can use Pilot One as a personal alternative and streamline your daily management.

    We’ve designed a tool to manage leads, tasks, and process automation in your daily routine, tailored to your personal needs.

    Its main functionalities are:

    Interactive quoting – Share a quote with multimedia content. Your prospects can request a test drive online, leave comments and receive in real time alerts to enhance management.

    Automation rules – Automate responses to your contacts and standardize processes, reducing time and improving atention to potencial clients. This way, your management will be more efficient and tasks will be streamlined.

    Task calendar – Manage tasks and generate reminders for completed and upcomming task.
    Monitor their status, filter by day, week or month and facilitate supervision.

    Processes – You can see in real time which stage of the sales process your prospect is in, from the initial contact to sale’s closure.
    Take control of your sales funnel and know where to focus your efforts to improve the closing rate.

    Survey tool – Easily and automatically send questionnaires to gather oppinions and preferences from your leads.

    WhatsApp web extension – Without leaving WhatsApp and with a simple button, you can add notes or conversation excerpts to existing leads or wortkshop appointments, and also create new leads.


    Why choose Pilot One?

    • It offers a simple user experience allows you to run your business efficiently, optimizing time, avoiding oversites and automating tasks.
    • You’ll increase productivity with instant access and make informed decisions every day from your phone or computer.
    • You’ll be more efficient with automatic responses that help you manage your prospects, clients and tasks. This way, you’ll keep your leads informed and in real time, strengthening and fostering the relationship.

    Take control from prospecting to closing de sale, identifying where to focus your efforts for better results!

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    Let us know in the comments what you think of our new product!

    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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