New functionality: Business type!

    Now you can prospect maintenance services, accessories, insurance and more from Pilot CRM!

    With this new feature you will be able to set up new types of business. Now your sales teams will be able to prospect leads for services, accessories, insurance and other products. You have no limits!

    After working on these leads, you will be able to close them as won or lost, obtaining performance metrics for each of your businesses.


    We share with you some examples that, together with our Automation rules, will allow you to generate more deals and profits:



    ✅ When selling a vehicle, automatically create a lead to the accessories manager so he can offer the customer products related to their purchase.



    ✅ When selling a vehicle, automatically create a lead to the person in charge of insurance within your company to prospect and close a deal.



    ✅ When delivering a new vehicle, generate a lead after 3 months to contact and offer the first service.

    ✅ When the vehicle reparation is finished and delivered, the system can generate a lead after 4 months with the lead source “Prospecting workshop” and automatically assign it to the service advisor to start the prospection.

    ✅ When an appointment is cancelled, the system can automatically generate a lead with the lead source “Cancelled Appointments” and assign it to the service advisor to schedule a new appointment.


    These are some of the examples of how you can use this new functionality in your company. They can also be extended to warranties and any other service you want to make your cross-selling more powerful.


    Pilot, the expert platform in the automotive industry.


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