New functionality: Automation Module – Business Rules

    Now you can add new rules, able and disable the existent ones, apart from see and analyze the active rules consumption.

    All our clients will have a new module where they will be able to create their own rules, organize them in groups and set a visual order to make their visualization easier.

    As a result, your company will communicate faster all the business processes with customers or personnel, saving resources because the system will execute systematically the task.


    We are sharing some examples about the rules that you can create:


    • Send an automatic email when a new lead is created with the information of the sales rep assigned.
    • After a test drive, you can create an automatic survey to analyze how the customer experience was.
    • When a customer completes a service survey giving you good marks, the system can create automatically a new lead to the sales manager of a new sales opportunity.
    • As cross-selling strategy, when you close a sale, an email can be sent offering the vehicle accessories or the insurance to add to the order.



    • When someone schedules an appointment, you can create an email with a reminder containing all the necessary information.
    • You will be able to create alerts. For example, when a vehicle is in the washing section, the system can send a message to the customer notifying him/her that the car is almost ready.
    • Once the vehicle is delivered, an email can be sent to the customer with a reminder of the quality assurance survey.



    • You can send surveys automatically from any event that happened inside Pilot, to measure customer satisfaction.
    • If the customer’s qualification is not the expected, the system can create an automatic HOT ALERT to be acknowledged and try to revert it.



    • To the vehicle delivery, an email can be sent with all the documentation necessary to complete this procedure.
    • You will be able to automate communication with the customer to keep them informed and content about all the administrative processes.
    • When the vehicle is delivered, you can send an automatic email with a remainder of the first service after some specific time.


    The users with the right role will be able to register, unregister or edit the current rules.


    Pilot will give each client a courtesy pack that will be renewed automatically each month. In case they need more credits, they can buy different packages in our Store. These credits do not expire.


    Automated communications can be addressed to internal or external publics i.e., customers or employees.

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