We made an improvement in the Leads Portfolio report to make it easier to read. We incorporate a Conversion Funnel that gives more functionality to the report.
The funnel is made up of:
- Leads Created (all leads created)
- Managed Leads (all leads created that have completed the first contact task)
- Quoted Leads (all leads managed with at least one cost quotation)
- Earned Leads (all managed and quoted leads that have at least one sale)
IMPORTANT: the funnel conversion only counts the cost quotation and the sale if the first contact task were made. In case a lead is uploaded and sold directly, it will be shown in the report, but it will not appear in the funnel.
If you want to close a lead because it is a BAD LEAD (uncontactable leads, leads without interest, duplicated leads, etc.), it is closed without making the first contact. On the other hand, when budgeting and / or selling, it is necessary to always carry out the task of first contact.