Do you know WhatsApp Business? Find out how you can integrate to Pilot CRM.

    It’s a WhatsApp version exclusively for small, medium and big business.

    This version is available for Android, IOS and you can also use it on desktop and website.

    Around 80% of the population has WhatsApp to exchange messages. This success is due to the ease in connecting with other people.

    That’s why in 2018, WhatsApp Inc. Has launched a new exclusive version for businesses as a great opportunity for companies.

    The app allows a more refined and closer interaction between companies and customers, improving commercial relationships. And for that, WhatsApp Business relies on specific functionalities, such as:

    • COMMERCIAL PROFILE: Apart from being able to set your name, message, profile picture, companies can show relevant information like the address, e-mail, segment and business website.
      This makes the profile more attractive and professional. At the same time, it allows customers to access this data more easily without the need to search the Internet.
    • OPENING AND CLOSING TIME: This is very interesting as it helps companies keep their clients updated on their available schedules.
    • PRODUCTS CATALOGUE: It allows you to upload your products catalogue with title, description and photo.
    • TAGS: It works for tagging conversations or specific messages. The user can add up to 20 tags, choosing whatever name is more convenient.
    • QUICK REPLIES: Quick replies can have information about the companies’ registration data, payment methods, or be configured to answer frequent questions.
    • VOICE NOTES: They are customized messages automatically sent to customers. The most interesting part about this function is that you can reply or ask a question as soon as the customer sends a message.
    • ABSENCE OF MESSAGES: As well as voice notes, the absence messages are sent automatically to customers. The difference is the latter is sent to point out an assistant’s unavailability, whether it is because of the company’s opening hours or holidays, lunchtime and other matters.
    • MESSAGES STATISTICS: WhatsApp Business can measure the reach of your messages.

    Now, we shall tell you how to integrate WhatsApp Business to Pilot CRM.

    We count on a recommended partner, Gapway, which nowadays works with several dealerships and is a great reference in the area.

    Gapway is a platform for communication that includes WhatsApp bots, allowing your leads to get in contact with your business 24/7.

    In addition, your sellers can talk via WhatsApp with potential customers, and everything will be registered in the Lead into the CRM for later queries.


    Thanks to Gapway you can count on a WhasApp bot on your website and Facebook.

    WE shall tell you everything you can do with a recommended partner:

    • Talk to your customers via WhatsApp from a phone number created for your dealership.
    • Automatically reply to your customers thanks to the Gapway bot.
    • To add the leads to Pilot CRM, Gapway creates and automatically refers the leads to the team.
    • Take control of the arrangement and messages from your team.

    Gapway’s integration with Pilot has two main functionalities:

    Firstly, sellers are allowed to communicate with their Pilot open leads via WhatsApp directly from the Gapway platform.

    The whole conversation the seller has with the lead will be saved and available for the executive and or the supervisor whenever they want to access it later.

    Second functionality considers the implementation of a WhatsApp option on the website or your dealership’s landing page. Every time a potential customer clicks on the button and fills in the form with their contact information, a bot will send an automatic message, previously set.

    The bot will give options to the lead until it gets all the details about what they’re looking for. All the information will be automatically referred to Pilot. Then, a seller will get in contact with the lead, telling them how to proceed in a customized way.

    Get in touch with your customers in real time along with our recommended partner, Gapway. Get to know more.

    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.


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