Discover the different ways to send SMS notifications around the world

    Sending SMS notifications allows you to automate communications with leads and improve processes within your company to keep customers informed at different stages of your business.

    We share with you some use examples to create your rules from Pilot Solution:


    • Reminder with the scheduled date and time to do the test drive.
    • Reminder with the planned date and time to visit the showroom.
    • Notifies a promotion to selected customers interested in a specific vehicle.



    • Reminder of the planned date and time of a workshop appointment.
    • Reminder that your service is coming up.
    • Notifying when the vehicle enters the washing section, so that the customer knows it is about to be picked up.
    • Notifying that the vehicle is ready to be delivered.



    • Notify the date and time when the vehicle will be delivered.
    • Notify the customer the progress and state of their admin file



    • Notify the customer that a satisfaction survey was received and is pending of response.

    And much more!


    If you want to know the cost for SMS service in your country, contact us here .

    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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