5 strategies that can change your dealership performance in hard times.

    It is common that when an economic crisis appears, businessmen tend to reduce the company structure or shrink the advertising investment, among other things, with the aim of maintaining profitability. What would happen if, instead of those actions, you used that complex context to make your business sky high?

    I´ll share with you some strategies that might be useful to reach that growth and to differentiate from your competitors. But before that, remember that you are the change leader in your company, so if you believe that it is possible, it will. It is opportune to quote this phrase: “If you believe it, you will create it”.



    1. Work to enhance your team: no result is achieved working alone, for that reason it is important that you work on building a commercial team and training them to reach the company objectives. Define a training plan, performance compensation policies, and networking workshops could be good resources to improve the collaborator’s productivity. 
    2. Define and standardize processes: to reach the best team productivity, it is necessary to order the daily tasks and automate the recurrent ones. Also, you need to define commercial processes, which will unify the activities of the sales team and allow you to measure their performance over time. 
    3. Add value to the purchasing experience: today, the experience inside the showroom when a potential customer visits you is more valuable than the vehicle that he/she will buy. Focus your efforts on adding value to this process by paying attention to the digital platforms that are the main channel used by consumers to be informed and make the purchasing decision. For example: with a website that shows all the vehicle features, creating videos with a review of the vehicles, sending interactive quotations, etc. 
    4. Create a plan and measure its results: to know if your efforts drive you to the profit searched, first you must define the objectives, list the actions or tasks, and identify the KPIs that you will use to analyse if you reach them in a certain period. 
    5. Increase your online presence: all of us know that everyone gets information, compares, and decides which vehicle they will buy through internet sites. When they arrive at your showroom, they just want to close a great deal with you about an already made decision. Therefore, it is crucial that your company becomes part of that decision-making process to have more chances of winning over competitors. We recommend investing in platforms like Google or Meta to position your website, attract leads, open direct communication channels like WhatsApp, and answer messages quickly (chatbots are helpful for this).


    Extra TIP! To conclude, it is important to highlight that to make those actions make sense, it is necessary to do leads follow-up to control the sales rep management and to have analytic tools. This will allow you to optimize the commercial strategy while it is being executed.

    If you’re looking to implement these changes in your company, Pilot is your go-to partner for success. Our team of seasoned professionals is ready to provide a complimentary assessment, leveraging the full suite of tools our platform offers to help your dealership soar to new heights.


    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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