Thanks to Pilot, Nation was able to start measuring its digital actions

    Disorganization, multiple data sources, information leakage and other inconveniences that do not allow you to correctly measure your actions. Does this sound familiar to you? That was the reality of the Nation dealership, from Argentina, and of many clients before they met Pilot.

    After many failed attempts to implement a tool that would successfully solve their problems, the Citroën, Peugeot and Chery dealership has been using Pilot for four years and was able to observe a great change in their management.

    According to Juliana Sánchez, Nation’s marketing manager, the first thing that could be solved after the implementation of Pilot was the organization of the data that was constantly being lost by not being recorded in any efficient digital medium. Then other important breakthroughs began to emerge. “From the marketing area, we were able to to accurately measure the results of our digital marketing campaigns and thus begin to make much more precise investment decisions,” she explains.

    Regarding sales, Juliana says that it was possible to grow the dealer’s customer and prospect database, keeping everything centralized in one place and thus optimizing loading and treatment times. “It is a very comprehensive platform, it includes all the necessary points to carry out prospecting and sales, as well as being very simple and agile,” she adds.

    Charming the sales team

    Many CRM platforms, due to their poor user experience, make sales teams very reluctant to use any tool to improve their management. And according to Juliana, Nation went through that early in the rollout, before the team knew and realized that Pilot is very intuitive and easy to use. “Although it was very complex for older vendors to adopt it, due to resistance to changes, it was generally very well accepted. The handling is very friendly, simple and easy to understand. The sales area realized that it could help them to better organize their work and it was adopted”, she explains.

    The most important among all of Pilot´s functionalities and advantages, according to Juliana, is the fact that it is a tool that has all the information, the data that is entered throughout the company, at everyone’s sight, and that allows them to have more control and efficiency in management.

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