Boost your lead management with AI

    Have you already thought about having a tool based on data science and Artificial Intelligence to help your dealership to sell more? You can have it with Pilot and our partner Prime Action.

    We know that this new feature can bring many benefits to our customers. For this reason, we asked Carlos Campos, senior partner of Prime Action, to tell us some of its advantages for the automotive industry.

    How do you think Artificial Intelligence (AI) can transform the way you do business?

    Carlos: AI generates enormous value from existing dealer databases and increases the effectiveness and assertiveness of network sales and attraction actions.

    Do you think it is a mistake that companies ignore this type of technology today?

    Carlos: Of course. It is a technology already available that gives a great advantage to those who start using it immediately. Not only for getting ahead of the competition, but above all for gradually increasing the quality of your digital culture.

    How did you come up with the idea for this tool developed for Pilot customers?

    Carlos: The idea came from the perception that all dealerships have enormous wealth within their CRM tools, but they don’t take advantage of it. One of the hurdles is having the need to analyze on a case-by-case, customer-by-customer basis, and this is time consuming and expensive. With AI, we implement an algorithm to do this job and generate assertive information for dealerships to improve sales and profitability.

    What do you think are the biggest benefits of the tool for Pilot customers?

    Carlos: Greater assertiveness in vehicle and service sales efforts, greater profitability and efficiency, as well as improving their Digital Culture.

    What requirements must a dealer have to use the tool and be successful?

    Carlos: It can be used immediately. Your benefits will increase day by day as you improve your information quality management. Our tool helps a lot to improve the quality of this data.

    You want to know more? Write to us at


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