Avantic new recommended partner!

    Integrate a WhatsApp bot to Pilot Solution and take your dealership to the next level.

    The Avantic´s innovative platform uses a customized database, which can reply to clients’ requests like a true professional.


    Advantages of having the Avantic Bot on your different platforms 

    • WhatsApp conversations are processed to bring you reports with the most used words by customers. Also, it will offer you suggested replies to the enquiries received.
      You can activate automatic answers to the most requested questions.
    • The sales team can monitor your conversation in real time, giving the chance to close sales quickly.
    • Integrate automatically all customer´s information and requests to share it with the sales team and boost the conversion rates.


    Benefits of adding Avantic to Pilot Solution

    ✔️ Optimize process by the automatic communication. automating communications.

    ✔️Receive and send customized messages 24/7.

    ✔️Analize and measure your leads origins.

    ✔️ Improve your customer service and productivity.

    ✔️Increase your ROI and ROAS.

    And so much more!


    Besides, as a Pilot user you have some exclusive benefits as

     Exclusive integration
     One month of free trial (up to 1.000 conversations)
     Free Setup
     Plans from USD49
     Customer service


    How do we integrate both platforms?

    Through the WhatsApp Bot, the user can select which department he/she wants to communicate with. For example: new vehicle sales, Used vehicle sales, After-sales, etc. According to that answer, the lead will enter to the accurate lead source inside Pilot.
    Afterwards, the lead will be assigned to the user or the team belonging to that lead source.

    In the lead’s comment will be recorded all the conversation so the sales team can follow up the chat in real time.

    If within 24 hours new messages are generated in the conversation, Avantic, updates the comment so you can have all the necessary information.


    If you want to know more about this new partnership, send an email to ventas@pilotsolution.net or go to its website clicking here.


    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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