Autologica, one of the most used ERP in the automotive industry, has an integration with Pilot!

    Autologica is a Dealer Management Software which allows dealerships to manage their business in an integral, safe and professional way.


    Integrate your inventory and sales in a simple way with this new interface developed by Autologica to improve your workflow on both platforms!


    Our main objective is that our clients can:

    Integrate the inventory:

    The inventory is managed on Autologica and is permanently updated on Pilot after each purchase, assignment, reserve or sale recorded. It can be enriched with pictures, display all the stock online and post the units on the Facebook store through our web publisher.


    Integrate the sales registration:

    When the company closes a deal on Pilot, a request is sent to Autologica with all the customer information so there is generated the business proposal. After that the invoicing, collection and delivery processes are done.

    These states changes are made automatically though the API execution.


    With Pilot and Autologica your company will improve the customer experience, control each order, optimize processes and increase income.


    We congratulate Autologica on this integration which will allow the dealerships that work with both platforms, move to the next level.


    If you want to learn more, leave us a message

    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.


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