Attention: Lead qualification

    From now on, when you receive a new lead, after contacting it, you will have to qualify it as “Good Lead” or “Bad Lead” in order to continue prospecting.


    • If it is qualified as “Bad Lead” you will have to close it by choosing the reason.
    • If it is qualified as a “Good Lead”, you can continue with the process and sell it or close it for a won or lost reason, as appropriate.


    Here is an example of how to identify each:


    It is very important that before qualifying you confirm all the information in the source section, once qualified you will not be able to change or quote any products that are different to the lead’s business type.


    Before qualifying you can change the business type, schedule any tasks and reassign them.

    Once the lead is qualified as a “Good Lead”, you will be able to quote, move forward in your business process and, of course, sell or mark the lead as “closed” if the sale was unsuccessful.


    For the moment, this change will only affect the website and, at the end of the month, it will be available in the Pilot Seller app.


    If you have any questions, leave a comment and we will respond shortly.

    Pilot Solution, the expert platform in the automotive industry.

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