New module: Social Media

    Have you ever imagined that from your CRM you will be able to manage and analyze your Social Media accounts?


    With this new Pilot module, you will be able to check the analytics, plan de content, answer enquiries and manage your paid campaigns very easy and in your Pilot account.


    Currently the companies are present in many platforms and results very difficult deal with the management and control of each one separately. That´s why we developed this solution where you can unify your website metrics, social media pages and paid media campaigns which will help you to improve your digital marketing strategy with real time information.


    This module will have 5 tools that will boost your digital strategy:

    View in real time your social media pages evolution, the results of your online advertisement and your competitor’s strategies. Create customized reports to download or share in less than a minute.
    Respond the direct messages and comments of Facebook, Instagram, Google MB, Tik Toc and Twitter pages from the same place and in an easy way.
    Moderate your direct messages, comments on your posts or reviews in your inbox.
    Save time and improve your content, planning and posting automatically in several social media pages. Also, you will be able to see in which moment of the day your audience is active to launch your posts. Even more, you can import content planning to the platform.
    A link to unify all your links!
    If you have many branches, WhatsApp numbers, landing pages, social media accounts and you want to share everything together in the same link this is the best solution: create as many buttons as you need, order them by category and lead your followers to the content that you want.
    Create, manage and optimize your Google and Facebook Ads campaigns. Compare the performance of both platforms and optimize your investment in online advertisement.
    Roll out each campaign to discover the group of ads, ads content or keywords and edit them easily.


    This new tool will drive your digital strategy to another level allowing your marketing staff to centralize the community management in Pilot Solution.


    Get in contact with our commercial team for further information.


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