Pilot Solution + Gapway: the solution Chilean dealer Difor needed to boost its management

    Gapway is the new communication platform through Whastapp that is fully integrated with Pilot and that enables a new level of communication between dealerships and their leads. The tool was designed according to the needs of a dealership that uses Pilot and is now available to all customers.

    During the prospecting process with Difor, carried out by Sentius Solution, Pilot’s representative in Chile, it was concluded that Pilot had multiple advantages for the dealership over the tool it had been using. On the other hand, the company used WhatsApp as an important communication channel, with good results.

    According to Jonatan Marquez, partner at Sentius Solutions, the move to Pilot involves Difor’s maturity in terms of using a CRM and the need for a tool that better supports them throughout the sales process in their different companies. “When we told them that now with Gapway they could improve their use of their WhatsApp channel 100% integrated with Pilot, it completed what they needed to move forward with the CRM migration.”

    According to Jonatan, Gapway was designed exclusively for Pilot customers, enhancing the WhatsApp Business experience.

    Implementation and results

    The platform implementation process was planned with Difor’s management team, preparing each of the integrations to Pilot.

    “An initial training process was carried out for each group and then weekly reinforcements for a month for the entire team,” says Jonatan.

    He says that the implementation and use process with Difor has evolved satisfactorily according to the defined roadmap. Currently, Gapway is being used intensively by Difor’s contact center and the Pilot’s platform by the various companies in the group.

    The key to success: Difor’s word

    For Constanza Varela, head of CRM at Difor, the migration to Pilot made the company evolve its sales through the digital channel. “Having a report and automating processes was the key to the company’s success in such complex times,” she says.

    Gapway was developed as part of the Pilot Solution, with features that allow contacting WhatsApp from the Difor website, streamlining effective communication between the customer and the company’s Commercial Executives. “This is an essential process that involved the development of the platform and the integration, always seeking to know Difor’s needs”, concludes Constanza.

    At this time, Difor is also adding new Corporate functionality to further increase the total power of its reseller group.

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