Pilot Solution has exclusive benefits for clients who make excellent use of the platform

    At Pilot we highly value our clients who dedicate their time to mastering the platform and making the most of all its functionalities. Therefore, from now on we will give exclusive benefits to those who are making excellent use of the tool.

    Those are some of them:

    · 5-star customers have a 50% discount on the setup for hiring new modules.

    · 4-star customers have a 30% discount on the setup for hiring new modules.

    · Clients 4 and 5 stars will be able to participate in meetings and exclusive virtual talks to exchange experiences and promote improvements in their management.

    Very soon we will add many more benefits for our 4 and 5 Star customers to take advantage of their excellent use of Pilot. Be aware!

    Remember that every month Pilot sends a usage report with our recommendations to all customers, so it will be much easier to know what your weak points are and how to optimize them to become a 5-star customer.

    Let’s stay together to generate better and better results!


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